Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lesson Learned

This was one of my favorite days of the trip. We took the boys down to the Grayling to do a little fishing and a whole lot of rock skipping. "Hot Shot" was wading out and got in a little too deep. He was yelling at me to come fish him out, but I was having too much fun with the camera. Boy was he mad. You can see the progression of the pictures as his boots filled up with water. I did put my camera down at one point when I thought he actually needed some help, so I missed the shot of him totally up to his waist in water, but the other pictures spell it out pretty clearly!
This one shows him walking out, I don't know which is funnier, the water in those boots or the ticked off look on his face.
Matt and I were laughing so hard (mostly because this has happened to us both once or twice) and he was so furious. The harder we laughed the more upset he got, so the harder we laughed. Mean parents huh?
This last one is my favorite. Best picture of the trip. It took 2 days to dry those boots out! I guess he learned his lesson, look before you wade right in. Some of life's toughest lessons can be learned at the river with a fly rod in hand!
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