Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I could not make the clip work below so here it is as a seperate post. I am truly the worst blogger in the history of earth!


Brady and Coleman have been taking swimming lessons for 3 weeks and the results are amazing! We spent all of last summer with them screaming and crying every time they got near the deep end, even if someone was holding on to them. Brady started it all during swimming lessons at the neighbors pool. He got so freaked out for some reason, and he would not go into the deep end at all, and he was so mean to the girl that was teaching. He would tell her that he hated her and then jump out of the pool and run away. After a few rounds of this then Cole decided that he was afraid of the deep end too, he wasn't as bad as Brady, but it was still pretty bad. I was starting to think that they would never swim when I found this AMAZING woman who teaches little kids as young as 6 mos old to swim and be safe. I have started calling her the Brady Whisperer. She has both of them swimming the length of the pool, jumping off the diving board, and swimming like a little fish. It is unbelievable! We had two episodes of Brady trying to take the chair he was holding onto into the pool with him because he wouldn't let go of it, and then that was that. She has put some kind of spell over him! When you watch the video you may not be too impressed considering that they are kindergartners, but if you could see how much progress they have made in just three weeks you wouldn't believe it!
The top one is Cole, and the bottom one is Brady swimming the length of the pool (starting at the deep end).

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

If It's Not One Thing, It's Another!

This is what I woke up to yesterday. We just finished redoing the deck and patio from Coleman's paint disaster I posted about a few weeks ago, and the yard was almost looking good again, and then the wind made this little mess. There is glass everywhere! I don't know how I will ever get it all out of the grass! The weather this year has been so crazy, it is May and it is still so cold. We have even had 2 baseball games called because it is just too cold for the kids to play. I can't believe that this did not wake me up, it must have been so loud. It kind of freaks me out that glass could shatter and I just sleep through it, but Griff makes one little peep and I am jumping out of bed, weird!
Back to work I guess.
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Paint Project # 1

We decided to paint the family room and the kitchen, so I enlisted my mom's help and then everyone wanted in on the action.
You can see that Brady and Coleman couldn't decide if they wanted to paint or watch T.V. My mom is so cool, she helps me with ever project I dream up. And she didn't even complain that I wanted to paint the kitchen orange.
When we finished the kitchen, I wanted to paint the whole house! So I decided to just do the dinning room and see how that went, then maybe the master bedroom next. It turned out pretty cute, but I think I am done painting for a while, too much work with the baby.
You can see the orange in the family room just a little bit through the arch in this photo.
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Pioneer Day

Hyatt had Pioneer Day at school. It was pretty fun, I don't think he was too impressed however. It is hard to impress him these days. The songs that they sang in the program were really cute, the teachers work sooo hard on those things!
Here he is with his friend Dallin trying to saw wood. They both need a little more meat on their bones!
After 20 plus minutes they finally did it.
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