Monday, August 18, 2008

Good bye Ernie, we will miss you. (Let's be clear, the boys will miss you, I, on the other hand, will NOT miss you, and am so thrilled to have my patio back, I can hardly stand it!)
This is what they tried to bring home from the pond! Can you believe Matt even had the nerve to call me and ask me if I would mind if they brought it home! I just got rid of the duck, and now this? Needless to say, I told him no freakin' way! Boys!
This is what happens when you drive a duck clear across town without putting it in a box of some kind.
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1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey, that poop looks familiar! :) I'll bet it was kind of sad to see Ernie go but I'm sure he's happy in his new home and I KNOW you're happy that he's in his new home! Seriously though, what a fun summer with a duck that your boys will always remember (and some of their friends!)