Thursday, July 10, 2008

My all star pitcher, and even with a bum toe!

I have not been very good about blog updates lately, but I will try to catch up here. Hyatt pitched his last game as a Ranger the last week of June. He was such a star this year! He had some good games and some not so good games, but he made such an improvement from last season, and he really had fun this year. It was both exciting and terrifying for me to watch him pitch. I really need to work on the whole sideline Mom thing, I have about 18 more years of it, and I am not too good at it yet. The week before the big tournament Hyatt hurt his toe skateboarding. I, like the compassionate and caring mother I am, told him he would be fine, and it would feel better in a few days. I let him walk around on in for 4 days before I realized that it did not seem to be getting better, and maybe I should have my dad look at it. We took him in, and the poor guy had a dislocated toe! We took him into Dr. MacArthur and he fixed it right up. Hyatt thought it was so cool, they gave him four shots in the toe and then dug right into the toe and clamped on the the bone and put it right back in place. Hyatt was a champ, he did not cry or complain, he just simply crushed my fingers while holding my hand. He had to play the next day, and it hurt quite a bit, but he got through it. He
This fake smile is after they lost the last game in the tournament. He was a good sport to put up with my camera in his face.
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