Monday, September 22, 2008

Look Who's One Year Old!!

Baby Griffin is One Year Old! I can't believe it. This has been the quickest year ever. We had the whole gang over (and I mean GANG, the boy cousins are all like a little wolf pack when they get together) for the traditional destruction of a cake and presents. Griffin was very timid about the cake, but he figured it out eventually.
Look at that face. I swear, I sometimes think I could have four more.
We had two cakes, one for Griff, and one for the rest of us.
Lots of cute gifts. Thanks everyone for coming, and for being such great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. We love you all.

This little guy has been the sweetest, most adorable little thing. He is so mellow. I am sure by this time next year he will be as crazy as the rest of the group, but today he is just an angel. We love you Griff Monster, Happy Birthday!!
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Lindy Johnson said...

He is such a doll! I love that he was so mellow, even though everyone around him was totally going nuts! Thanks for the party--Anders has so much fun with all those boys!

Jamie said...

That is Awesome, I bet he could of ate the whole cake (or both of them) If you would of let him! He is So cute! And I really can't believe how mellow he is! And you do need a girl... to keep you mellow!