Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Is this really happening?

Today started out fine, the kids were late for school, I didn't make it to the gym, but it was all okay, the sun came out and we were having a blast, then by 2:00 the wheels came off. I have no pictures to remember the afternoon by, but I am quite sure it will not soon be forgotten. . . We decided to go and clean up the back yard a bit. We had a crew come and clean up the yard last week, and I wanted to just spray off the basketball court and clean up a little to really finish it off. There was a half ( or so I thought) empty can of outdoor wood stain down in the fire pit area, and I put it in a bag so I could get rid of it. I set it next to another bag of garbage. The baby started to cry and he was in the stroller in the front part of the yard, so I asked Coleman to take the bag of garbage to the garbage can, while I got the baby. I did not see him go, and he picked up the bag with the paint in it, and proceeded to take it to the " garbage can," unfortunately it was the one in the house. You know where this is going don't you? A few seconds later he came walking out and said calmly "Mommy, I spilled a little paint in the house." I ran in the house to see the ENTIRE kitchen floor covered in redwood stain. It was everywhere! I immediately started cleaning it up thinking that if I got it before it dried I might be okay. Then I realized I left Griff outside in the stroller. I yelled to Cole to go and push the stroller to the back yard, and went back to work. A few seconds later Cole came back into the house and said " Mommy, I spilled the baby!" Sounds funny now, not so funny at the time. So I ran outside and sure enough, he had spilled the baby. Luckily I had Griff buckled in the car seat and the car seat in the stroller, so he was fine, in fact he was just sitting there sideways on the grass with a big huge smile on his face. I wish I had a picture of the kitchen and the stroller, it was so out of control. I was actually laughing, it was so bad there was nothing else to do! Poor Coleman felt so bad, and he and Brady were so good to help clean up the mess. The kitchen is fine, thank goodness it was all on the tile. The back porch is a different story. Can you stain a Trex deck? When I asked my brother B.J this question, he laughed and said " apparently, just ask Coleman." What a smart . . . you know what. I am tired, and Matt is still at work sculpting ( big monument that he needed to finish yesterday) but Griff is still ready to party. Maybe tomorrow will be better, but no guarantee huh? I have a quote from Bob Dylan over my pantry that says "Chaos is a friend of mine." It certainly was today!!

1 comment:

Kris and BJ said...

I have had a fair amount of days like this!!!! Just the other day chase took a black pen and decided to write all over the front entry. It is a good thing your Mom helped me paint not so long ago! One day we will look back and laugh at all of these moments!