Friday, September 12, 2008

Labor Day Catch Up

I took the boys up to the cabin over Labor Day weekend. We had to leave Matt behind because he had to get caught up at work (that is the lie that he told us, but I knew it was because of the BYU season opener. . . he has a sickness). It turned out that all of my siblings except Clay came too, so it was a blast! We always have so much fun up there when everyone comes. The boys love their cousins, and it is so fun for me to get to spend time with my siblings, especially Cam and Traci who I don't get to see very often. We crammed as much as we could into a weekend, I even got a little kayaking in with Kris, Mom and Kristalyn. These are just some random pictures of the weekends festivities. My cute mom got up early one morning and hid "treasures" in the forest for all the kids to find later that day. They loved it, and they loved the loot they scored. The zip line is always a favorite activity
Brady and Cole with Carson and Chase on our way to do a little fishing. It turned out to be very LITTLE fishing, see 2 pictures below. . .
My little man in his waders, he looks so cute, like a small giraffe in a pair of hip boots. Those legs, oh to have legs that long and skinny!
This is why the fishing was nixed, the water behind the boys is the dam below Hebgen Lake. They had some kind of problem and couldn't get 2 of the gates in the system to close properly, so the water level in the Madison rose several feet in a few hours. It was kind of exciting actually, the fish cops were telling everyone to get off the river because it was so high, and they were not sure if the dam was going to hold. We thought it was exciting anyway, but the boys just thought it was lame because we couldn't fish, and they couldn't get down by the water.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

the zip line looks like such a blast! i love cabins :)