Thursday, March 27, 2008

Brady and Coleman's Birthday

It was a crazy weekend around here. We had Brady and Coleman's birthday on Saturday, and Easter the next day. Needless to say, I did not do either event as well as I would have normally, but they will all live right? We went to Backyard Adventures for the party, and it was so easy! It really is a party that requires no planning and no mess to clean up, perfect. They had a great time with all of their friends, and I let them invite as many as they wanted so I think we ended up with about 18 kids. Sure glad it was not at my house!

Then we had a party with Matt's family over at our house that night. Brady and Cole got so many gifts that day, I could hardly bring myself to do Easter the next day. I can't believe they are six years old. It seems like last week that they came home from the hospital in those two little car seats. I must say however, I am glad it was NOT just last week, because that would mean I would have to do that whole first year over again, and that would cause me to break out in hives, and need some anxiety meds. Six is a good age for all of us!
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